Here is a before and after picture of a data cabling tidy up job, that our engineers completed in Far Cotton Northampton.
The customer was overwhelmed by the final outcome!
We are extremely proud to launch our newly designed website and branding. Our new website is designed to show off all of our services and products in a friendly layout, providing plenty of information about…
A sunny end to another busy week at Barton Telecom Services. This week our telephone engineers in Northamptonshire have completed a large VoIP install in Wellingborough. The project has been ongoing for many months, which…
Recently, our telecom engineers visited a customers site on Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough. To install 18 hosted telephones, the hosted solution was replacing an old legacy Panasonic telephone system.
The system consisted of 14…
Another busy week at Barton Telecom Services!
This week our telephone engineers in Kettering have been installing a Panasonic NS700 telephone system with 15 IP phones, voicemail, auto attendant, call queuing and bespoke music on hold.…
Our apprentice Benjamin has been with us almost 2 years to the day and has made improvements weekly. Benjamin has been working primarily on our VoIP/Hosted platform, but also gaining a knowledge on SIP trunks,…
We finally completed a large on going job removing old BT phone circuits this week.
The customer had hundreds of legacy phone circuits in their comms room. These racks were previously used to distribute the…
Here at Barton Telecom Services we undertake all aspects of telecommunications. Over the past couple of weeks we have been busy installing many VoIP/Hosted solutions for customers throughout Northamptonshire and the surrounding counties. Throughout the month…
Our engineers visited a site in Brackley to upgrade an old Panasonic TDA30 to a brand new Panasonic NS700. The customer now has a system which is capable of SIP lines, mobile apps, IP handsets…